The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Let Us Join You on Your Journey in Faith

St. Edward’s invites YOU to explore the Catholic Faith in an environment committed to welcoming people from all spiritual and social backgrounds. Follow us on

Frequently Asked Questions about RCIA:

1. What is RCIA?

RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and it stems from an ancient process for bringing unbaptized persons into Christianity. Ideally, RCIA would be reserved for the unbaptized even today, and a separate adult learning program would be offered for those already baptized, however it is impractical for a parish with limited resources. The St. Edward’s RCIA program has been extended to anyone interested in learning more about Catholicism regardless of baptismal status, or intentions of joining the Church. You can join strictly as an inquirer, as a person seeking to become Catholic, or as a person who already is Catholic who wants to deepen his or her faith.

2. If I join RCIA, do I have to become Catholic?

There is no obligation to join the Church. We are simply here to provide the necessary information and services to become Catholic and hopefully create some friendships along the way.

3. If I am baptized in another denomination, do I still need to attend RCIA?

The Catholic Church doesn’t re-baptize anyone who was baptized in the Trinitarian form (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit) regardless of the denomination in which you were baptized. We can help figure out which services you will require upon your inquiry. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we recommend RCIA to either begin or extend your knowledge of Catholicism.

4. I’ve been divorced, can I still join RCIA?

Of course! The program is open to all, regardless of your current status. We, at St. Edward’s, are more than happy to help you figure out which services you’ll need before coming into the Church.

5. What is a godparent/sponsor and will I need one?

A sponsor/godparent is a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church who will help you through the RCIA process, answer any questions you may not feel comfortable enough to ask during class, and act as a spiritual mentor. You will only need a sponsor or godparent if you plan to come into the Church. Your sponsor will need to be present at various times throughout the program year. If you need help finding a sponsor, we will be happy to help!

6. How old should a person be to join RCIA?

The short answer is: mature enough to fully understand what he or she is being taught in the program. Upon your inquiry, we will discuss which catechesis group will best suit your needs.

7. Do you provide childcare?

Unfortunately, we do not currently provide childcare. You should try to make your own arrangements prior to starting the program. However, if you have difficulty finding childcare and that is the only thing standing between you and beginning the program, please speak to an RCIA team member so that we can try to help find a resolution that enables you to attend.

8. When and where do classes begin?

We typically meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 in the St. Edward’s school library. Sessions generally start in the Fall and run through Spring (normally about an eight month program).

9. What is the cost of the program?

There is no cost to join our program, nor any obligation to join the Church.

10. The RCIA schedule doesn’t permit me to attend, what should I do?

If necessary, there are other alternatives available that we can discuss upon your inquiry. Please contact an RCIA team member for more information.

11. What if I have questions that weren’t answered here?

If you still have unanswered questions, you can contact one of our RCIA team members directly or contact the church office at 501.374.5767.

12. Where do I sign up?

Just email any of the RCIA team members below and that’s it!

Meet your RCIA Team!

Fr. Juan Manjarrez

Pastor of St. Edward

Tina Johnson

RCIA Coordinator and parishioner of St. Edward